Representation and defense

We represent and defend clients' interests in courts, other state bodies and before third parties. We are ready to fully take over external interactions on legal matters, thus allowing our clients to focus on business development issues.

Who will benefit: Companies facing litigation or administrative cases, as well as those who need to protect their rights and interests during negotiations and contractual relations.

We represent the interests of our clients:

  • in arbitration courts,
  • with the antitrust authorities,
  • with the tax authorities,
  • in law enforcement,
  • at Rospatent.
Patent attorney
  • Оформление патентных прав, подача заявок и ведение делопроизводства в российском и различных зарубежных патентных ведомствах;
  • Представительство в судах, в Палате по патентным спорам;
  • Проведение патентного аудита предприятия и любых других патентно-правовых исследований;
  • Разрешение сложных ситуаций, связанных с патентным делопроизводством;
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