
A document of protection certifying the exclusive right, authorship and priority of an invention, utility model, industrial design or selection achievement

Patent attorney

  • Registration of patent rights, filing applications and record keeping in Russian and various foreign patent offices
  • Representation in courts, in the Chamber of Patent Disputes
  • Conducting a patent audit of an enterprise and any other patent legal research
  • Resolving complex situations related to patent proceedings

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Do you need an attorney?

Our competencies in patent law:

Special direction:

Medical patenting

Legal protection of developments in the field of medicine is one of the most important aspects of successful competition

Legal protection of developments in the field of medicine gives the patent holder tangible advantages, since it provides exclusive rights to the production, use and sale of a product or the implementation of technology.

A patent can protect various aspects of the activities of specialists in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals.

Genetic engineering
Genetic engineering

Special direction:

International patenting

The registration procedure begins with the choice of the country in which the protection of a particular invention will be effective

The international market is fiercely competitive and cannot be won without patenting. A patent for an invention represents a title of protection that guarantees legal immunity from the encroachment of third parties. It is a powerful weapon in the competition. After all, only the author receives the monopoly right to use the technology or sample to create a unique product.

International patenting - how to get it?

Despite the commonly used term “international patenting,” no such single patent exists. Today there is no such document that would provide the same protection on the territory of all states. Therefore, it would be correct to understand this term as the protection of rights on the territory of a certain number of countries.

Therefore, before proceeding to the stage of registration and obtaining an international patent, it is important to clearly define the number of countries that will be involved in business. Here you can go in two ways: select the countries that are necessary to provide legal protection and register the application in each of these separate countries. Or choose a system in which the required countries are maximally involved. The last option is more practical.

A prerequisite for the granting of a patent in other states, according to Russian law, is the filing of an application for a patent with Rospatent. At the same time, the applicant after filing the application has a year to file an application for international patenting. After this period, the patent registration will be refused.

It should be noted that the international patenting procedure is a rather lengthy and expensive process, which only a narrow specialist can delve into. Therefore, if you want to reliably protect your intellectual property from the encroachments of third parties and undergo international patenting, you better turn to professionals.

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