Legal services

Legal support of civil circulation and protection of intellectual property

Legal practices:
Intellectual property management
  • Analysis of the use of intellectual property objects
  • Development and implementation of an integrated intellectual property management system
  • Identification of redundant and necessary objects of intellectual property
  • Development of a system of methods for legal protection of intellectual property objects
  • Determination of the key object (s) of intellectual property. Implementation of procedures for legal protection of intellectual property
  • Development of legal and economic methods of commercialization (monetization) of intellectual property
  • Suppression of violations of intellectual rights
  • Implementation of procedures for legal protection of intellectual property
  • Recovery of compensation and fines for illegal use of intellectual property
Patent portfolio management

Patent portfolio management is based on an appropriate strategy. The cycle of its development and implementation includes three main stages: the formulation of the initial strategy or modification of the existing one (depending on the need), the construction or adjustment of processes in the company and the reassessment of the strategy in response to changes.

  • Development and implementation of a patent portfolio management strategy
Legal expertise and audit of intellectual property objects
  • Audit of management decisions and business processes related to the ownership, use and disposal of the results of intellectual activity and the exercise of rights to intellectual property
  • Identification and assessment of risks associated with the implementation of management decisions and the implementation of business processes, including from the point of view of the protection of exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity, development and implementation of an integrated risk management system
  • Monitoring the use of intellectual property objects and violations of rights to the results of intellectual activity
  • Identification of counterfeit products
  • Taking measures stipulated by the current legislation aimed at preventing illegal use of intellectual property
  • Recovery of damages and compensation for violation of intellectual property rights
  • Adoption of a set of measures provided for by the current legislation aimed at combating unfair competition and violation of antimonopoly legislation
  • Adoption of legal measures aimed at stopping the distribution of counterfeit products and illegal use of intellectual property objects on the Internet
Protection of intellectual property rights
  • Determination of the legal status of objects of intellectual activity that are the subject of concluded transactions
  • Identification and assessment of risks
  • Checking the legal purity of transactions
  • Legal support of transactions with intellectual property rights
  • Legal support in the registration procedure for the transfer of rights to intellectual property objects
  • Development of all types of civil - legal contracts, including: agreements on the alienation of exclusive rights, license agreements, commercial concession (franchising) agreements, pledge agreements and other agreements
Dispute Resolution
  • Pre-trial and judicial settlement of disputes
  • Protection of rights and legally protected interests in arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction, in the court of intellectual property rights and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
  • Legal representation
  • Representation of interests in national and international arbitration courts, conciliation procedures
  • Preparation and submission of statements on the illegal use of intellectual property objects to customs authorities and police authorities in order to bring alleged violators to administrative or criminal liability
  • Representation of interests in the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (and its territorial structural divisions). Participation in domain disputes, assistance in the fight against illegal seizure of domain names, including through the arbitration mechanisms UDRP and URS
Taxation and accounting
  • Consulting on the calculation and payment of taxes, the procedure for obtaining tax and property deductions, the peculiarities of accounting in the field of turnover of intellectual property
  • Legal support in transactions with objects of intellectual property and rights to the results of intellectual activity, assessment of tax risks, optimization of taxation in the field of intellectual property
  • Protection of interests during tax audits and in disputes with tax authorities
Patent attorney
  • Оформление патентных прав, подача заявок и ведение делопроизводства в российском и различных зарубежных патентных ведомствах;
  • Представительство в судах, в Палате по патентным спорам;
  • Проведение патентного аудита предприятия и любых других патентно-правовых исследований;
  • Разрешение сложных ситуаций, связанных с патентным делопроизводством;
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