
For pharmaceutical companies and medical institutions

IPS experience, expertise and support will help you enter the market, successfully conduct your business and maximize the return on company assets. We will undertake research, forecasts, analytics and drawing up an action plan, and you will get an optimal and quick result.
Market audit

We will conduct an audit of the retail and public sectors of the market at the national, regional, territorial levels. We will provide a detailed report on the sales of medicines, products, medical equipment and parapharmacy (up to the SKU level).

Evaluation of the effectiveness of ways to promote medicines and medical products

We also work with the assessment of the promotional activity of healthcare professionals and pharmacists. We give a forecast for the prospect of using this method of promotion with specific drugs and products.

We have access to the OneKey database with the most complete list of specialists from medical institutions and pharmacies in Russia, Europe and Asia.

Patent attorney
  • Оформление патентных прав, подача заявок и ведение делопроизводства в российском и различных зарубежных патентных ведомствах;
  • Представительство в судах, в Палате по патентным спорам;
  • Проведение патентного аудита предприятия и любых других патентно-правовых исследований;
  • Разрешение сложных ситуаций, связанных с патентным делопроизводством;
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