Complex questions of appeal, answers to complaints
Registration of medical devices of all risk classes and types, including equipment and devices for in vitro diagnostics:
- formation of the list of registration dossier for the product.
- assistance in the preparation / revision of documents.
- accompaniment of toxicological, clinical,
technical and clinical laboratory tests of a medical device.
- submission of documents for registration and record keeping.
- assistance in the registration process on any questions that have arisen at any stage of registration.
Устранение нарушений, выявленных Росздравнадзором в процессе контроля за обращением медицинских изделий:
Elimination of violations identified by Roszdravnadzor in the process of monitoring the circulation of medical devices:
- preparation of all necessary documents, full support of the case until a positive conclusion of the RZN is received.
Registration of medical devices and medicines abroad.
Conclusion honey. products and medicines to the Russian and foreign markets for its commercialization.
Patent attorney
Оформление патентных прав, подача заявок и ведение делопроизводства в российском и различных зарубежных патентных ведомствах;
Представительство в судах, в Палате по патентным спорам;
Проведение патентного аудита предприятия и любых других патентно-правовых исследований;
Разрешение сложных ситуаций, связанных с патентным делопроизводством;